Build Log: Project Thief - TX10 Monster Dual Workstation/Gaming Rig

My new website has now launched and so this page can now be found here!


  1. Hi, this is Heat from OCN, and this is a huge inspiration for me! I plan on doing something similar, and the waterfall res I'm sure will be beautiful!

  2. Thanks Heat - I saw your sig - looks like you're going for dual 8 core xeons on an sr-3 - Sweet! I'm hoping to do that once IB-E is released and then move my R4E + 8 core into the gaming rig. Excited to see your build! Do you fold - if so that would tear up the work units!

  3. You guys do all that just for folding ? :o

  4. No not for me - right now my workstation is that way because of work, however I rarely need the full potential that it has, the rest of the time it folds. My gaming rig costs too much in terms of power and heat to fold 24/7. It gets folded occasionally. However folding does influence my decisions - I bought 480's rather than 6970's for example because at the time ATI cards were terrible at folding. Even today the ATI cards aren't as good at folding as they are at gaming/bitcoin mining.

    The upgrade to dual IB-E though, that would really be just for folding, so it depends how flush I'm feeling by 2013. Or whether Intel wants to send me freebies (hint hint Intel get on that!)
